This website has been planned, designed and developed by Dr. Dur Muhammad Pathan, and has been donated /presented to Borad Chairman Makhdoom Saeed-u-zaman “Atif”


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Sindhi Adabi board is outstanding and oldest organization stablished in August 1940 under the title of “Central Advisory Board for the Sindhi literature”, with Syed Miran Muhammad shah as its Chairman. In 1948 the Board was reconstituted with some changes in members, but the chairman remained the same. In 1950 a High Power executive Committee was constituted with education minister and its chairman However, in December 1951 that Committee was enlarged and the organization was renamed as Sindhi Adabi Board.

Sindhi Adabi Board, since its inception is rendering value able service for the promotion of Sindhi literature language by virtue of publishing books and journals besides, holding seminar, literary sittings and helping writers & poets financially. This website provides information on Sindhi Adabi Board’s Past Present and Future

سنڌي ادبي بورڊ

سيد ميران محمد شاه
صلاحڪار بورڊ جو پهريون چيئرمن
مخدوم طالب الموليٰ
بورڊ جو گهڻو وقت رهندڙ چيئرمن
"مخدوم جميل الزمان ”جميل
بورڊ جو سابق چيئر من
" مخدوم سعيدالزمان "عاطف
بورڊ جو موجوده چيئرمن
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